10 dic 2009


1.Write all these answers in the Christmas stationery you will find in this web site.

2.When do we celebrate Christmas?
IN 25th of December

3.Who used mistletoe to celebrate the coming of winter?
Druids used mistletoe to the celebration

4.What is the size and the colour of the actual poinsettias?
The flowers are large, bring red leaves and often mistaken for petals

5.Was the Christmas Tree originated in Spain?
No, it is not. Because the Christmas Tree is original in Germany

6.What is the abbreviation for Christmas?
Xmas, because is original of Greek

7.What is the colour of candy cane´s stripes?
They were decorated with red stripes.

8.When was born Santa Claus?
He was bron in Turkey in the 4th century.

10. Find the following words in English:
- hoguerras: bonfire.
- nacimiento: birth.
- misa del gallo: mass of the cockerel.
- pavo trufado de Navidad: turkey trufado of Christmas.

12.What is the name of the reindeer who guides Santa´s sleigh?
13.What is the colour of his nose?
The colour og his nose is red.

Answer Key 0476556

15. Finish the sentence:
The word Christmas comes from …………………..

16. Colour:
- A snow flake
- A poinsettia
- A candy cane
- A wreath

17. Connect the dots. Count by 5´s.

18. Colour a picture and print it out.

19. Write a Chistmas card to the teacher;
Dear Teresa:

20. Special treatment: enjoy visiting Santa´s Village.

3 nov 2009

Apple pie:

· 1 egg
· 1 cup milk
· 1 envelope yeast
· 1 cup flour
· 1 cup sugar
· 1.5kg of apples
· butter
· peach jam

· 1 knife
· 1 spleen
· 1 bowl
· a cup
· the blender
· oven
· glass bowl

1- Cut apples and made in the bowl.

2- Are added egg.

3- Sugar is also added.

4- Milk is made.

5-Flour is poured.

6- Grind everything with the mixer.

7- Mold is smeared with butter and spreads well.

8- Is put into a preheated oven (10 minutes).
9- We put the cake in the oven for about an hour.

10- It takes the cake and jam is made above.
11- Allowed to cool; and finally is ready to eat...

24 sept 2009

our summer and new course!!*


Summer is finished and we did many things at the beginning we were very tired and the two first weekends we stay en Zamora.We go to the swimmingpool, and meeting up with friends.In San Pedro (the funfair of Zamora) we meet up at night too.Bea goes to Galicia for 7 days more or less, and I goes to Irland for two weeks, there I stay in a small city called Cork.Then I come to Zamora.Bea gone to a basketball camp in Portugal, in Espinho. Then I go to my village 1 month and a half, I'm from Ribadelago; there all is perfect at the mornings I go to the lake of the viillage and in the evening too,nights are the best all is party!!!* in 15 16 17 are the partys and this days were the best of all the summer.

I (Bea) was in Zamora in August and in the weekend I went to my villages and I meet my friend...

In September there were the partys of my village (Pereruela)and it was the best of my summer.Then we return to the school year.I (Alba) was in a diferent class of all my friends but, afortunatly I change to the other class , naw all is perfect

So never have I never have a bad summer.

good bye see you soon


16 jun 2009


Este año, nos lo hemos pasado muy bien. Hemos sido un grupo bastanta numeroso; seguimos muchos chicos y chicas del año pasado y también gente nueva. Con ellos hemos compartido nuestros mejores momentos, nuestras excursiones... también alguno que otro no tan bueno... porque como todos los profesores dicen que somos una clase inaguantable pues...
Pero bueno eso es lo de menos; nosotros nos hemos llevado más o menos bien y eso es lo que importa.
Este curso ya va a terminar y... solo espero que el año que viene estemos todos otra vez juntos y nos lo pasemos genial.
AHORA HAY QUE PASAR UN VERANO GENIAL Y... el año que viene venir con mas fuerzas.

27 may 2009

¿Cuantas entradas has hecho? 18
¿Cuántas entradas crees que debería haber por trimestre? 7
¿Cual es la que más te ha gustado? La presentación...o san Valentin o...todas...
¿Cual ha sido la más difícil? la presentación
¿Fue fácil hacer el Blog?si!!
¿Habeis trabajado igual todos los miembros del grupo?siii!!!!
¿Preferirías hacer un blog individual?no!
¿Seguirás con el Blog el año que viene?ojala
¿Hay algun tema sobre lo que te gustaría trabajar el curso próximo?si, algunos que sean faciles...
¿Cuál es el número ideal de personas para hacer el Blog? entre 1-3
¿Te gustaría que hubiera alguna entrada de tema libre? si.....pero nose...divertidas!!!
¿Has cambiado la plantilla o conservas la original? si, la hemos cambiao varias veces...
¿Quieres hacer alguna sugerencia para el año que viene? si! en vez de un blog un tuenti!!!!!!!!!!!.......

26 may 2009


1. What is the highest mountain?
The highest is Ben Nevis.
2. Who is the richest person? How much money?
The Duke of Westminster is the richest. He has got a lot of money.
3. What is the furthest country from the UK?
New Zealand is the furthest country.
4. What is the second biggest city? How many people? Birmingham is the second biggest city.
5. Where is the largest lake? How many kilometres?
In Scotland is the largest lake, the Lago Ness. It has got 40 x 2 km.
6. What is the longest river? How many kilometres?
The longest river is the Severn. It has got about 290 km.
7. Where are the heaviest smokers?
In Manchester.
8. What is the most common surname?
The most common surname is Smith.
9. What is the tallest office building? How many metres?
Is Canary Wharf. It has got 236.64 metres.
10. What is the busiest airport? How many passengers per year?
Heathrow is the busiest airport with 90 millions of passengers per year.
11. What is the most popular daily newspaper?
The Sun is the most popular news paper.

19 may 2009


My favourite colour is red because its the most beautiful.
I prefer coke because its more taster than pepsi.
I don't like them...because they are girls....but Scarlett Johansson hair's more beautiful than Penelope's hair, but Penelope is nicer than Scarlett Johansson.
I prefer spring because it's more warmer than autum.
I prefer speak becouse it's easier than writting.
I prefer dogs...because are my favourite pet and... The dogs are funnier than the cats; The cats are more agressive than the dogs.
I prefer trax suit when I doing P.E. bucause it's more confortable than jeans but when I going to a party I prefer jeans because it's more beautiful.

I prefer Saturdays because I meet with my friends and Saturdays are funnier than Sundays.

30 mar 2009


Two balloons are floating across the desert.
One balloon says to the other:
"Look out for the cactussssssssssss!"

24 mar 2009

Saint valentine was a christian priest that was living in the rome of the third century, when the christians were prosecuted, he decided to marry couples under the Christian ritual.Valentine acquires for protecting the lovers and secret weddings support great prestige in the whole city and is called by the emperor Claudio II to know about him. The priest takes advantage of that visit to do propaganda of the Christian religion and to convince the emperor in order that he follow Jesus' steps. Though in a beginning Claudio II felt attracted by that religion that the same Romans were chasing, the soldiers and they forced the own Governor of Rome to desist and organized a campaign in opposition to Valentine. The Roman emperor changed opinion and ordered the governor of Rome to sue the priest.The mission to condemn the priest had to take her I finish the deputy, Asterius. This one, when he was in front of the priest, joked of the Christian religion and wanted to test Valentín. He asked him if he would be capable of returning the sight to one of his daughters who was blind of birth. The priest agreed and in name of the Gentleman he worked the miracle. The deputy and all his family turned to the christianity but they could not free Valentín of his martyrdom. San Valentín was executed on February 14.


you are a cute boy.

3 mar 2009

Charlie Bone


a. true
b. false
c. false
d. false
e. false
f. false


The lamp is broken.


Go away

The Book: "Midnight for Charlie Bone"

1. Midnight for charlie bone
2.Charlie Bone and the time twister
3.Charlie Bone and the blue boa
4. Charlie Bone and castle of mirrors
5. Charlie Bone and the hidden king
6. Charlie Bone and the wilderness wolf
7. Charlie Bone and the shadow of badlock

Bea and Alba

3 feb 2009

My name is Beatriz. I live in Zamora, Spain.
I'm 13 years old. I study in the Rio Duero Secondary School with my friends. My best friend is Alba.
In my free time I play basketball. I like atlethics and playing football.
I like sports, but I don't like reading some books.
I like pasta, pizza and desserts.
I live with my parents and my brother. Their names are Marce, Carmen and Javier. My house is big. There are 3 bedrooms, a kitchen, 2 bathrooms and a living room.
I'm tall and thin. My hair is long and brown.
I'm funny and nice; my personality is good.
bye, bye!!

My name is Alba I live in Zamora ,Spain, in a big flat with my parents Aurelio y Marisol. My flat is big with two bathrooms,three bedrooms,one kitchen,a livingroom and a diningroom.
I go to Rios Duero Secondary school and I study at the 2ºcourse. My favourite subjects are English, Maths and Language.
My best friend is Beatriz, she is very tall and thin.
I like bascketball a lot and I play two times a week on Tuesdays and thursdays .
The name of my basketball team is Rio Duero. All Saturdays I play a match.
I take private classes of English to know more and I go one time a year to England and Ireland to learnt more , too.
Zamora, the city where I live has got more than 20 churches and it isn't very big.



20 ene 2009



It happened in Indonesia on December 26, in 2004. More than 300.000 people died. The Tsunami destroyed Band Aceh and happened that the trees and the houses flood for the Tsunami was caused by a massive earthquake at the bottom of the Indian Ocean.

This caused a Tsunami (tidal wave) of epic proportions to slam into 11 different countries.

Perhaps 150,000 people were killed immediately and hundreds of thousands more were injured. The disease that could spread from the corpses of dead humans, animals and fish could double the deaths some expert say.

13 ene 2009


I'm going to study more.
I'm going to obey more.
I'm going to read a book.
I'm going to save.
I'm going to try to be better.

I'm going to help my mother at home.
I'm going to study more
I'm going to obey my parentes
I'm going to read more
I'm going to play less with computer games.

by Alba

I'm going to study more.
I'm going to save to return to Santo Domingo.