14 dic 2010

The mos embarrased day of my life.

It was this summer when I was in England, so there wasn't Bea with me , she's the person that always rewards me what I have to do and what I have to catch or not because I'm a dissaster. So it was my first day at Porstmouth University Campus and in the morning we had sport activities so we went to the Sport center of the Campus.
All the people were wearing tracksuit and all the sights were at me but I don't mind and I continued walking with my friend Sara, but she didn't realised that I was in jeans and not with the sport uniform, an the other people in my group were brasilians but at this day was the first and we weren't confident. A half of an hour later the most beautiful boy of the monitors say to me: are yo crazy?, we say to you that there were sport!! This spanish are like animals..., so I ask to my teacher for the master key and she gave it to me.
I had no idea about which building of the campus was mine and I went to the first and I was thinking that it was. I went to the 4º plant to the 105 room and I entered the master key, I was in a harry and I went to the cupboard for my tracksuit uniform when I heard some strong noises that became from the bathroom, I'm a scared person so I caught a metal barr when I opened there was a boy that his first phrase was:
- What are you doing here? I was upset becaused it was my room, the thik I hve forgotten was that my room was in the other building.
The boy was a person that you couldn't understand because he did stong noises with the tonge, the only thnk I realised was that I was in the staff building. It's a day to forget or not? jajajaja

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